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Three Types Of Pull-Up Bars That You Can Use At Home

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Many people who work out at home do so mainly with body-weight exercises and calisthenics. If you're keen on performing more exercises at home, however, you'll want to buy a number of pieces of strength training equipment. Pull-up bars are a worthwhile investment for any home workout enthusiast. Pull-ups are an exercise that can dramatically strengthen many muscles in your upper body, including your shoulders, arms, and back. If you're thinking about buying a pull-up bar to use at home, it's worthwhile to note that there are several different types. Visit a strength training equipment retailer to evaluate which of these styles will be best for you.

Over Door

A popular style of pull-up bar mounts over a doorframe, making it a good addition for the door to your home workout room. This type of device is favorable because it isn't permanent; you simply set up the equipment when you're ready to use it, and then take it down afterward. Many people favor over-door pull-up bars because they don't require any equipment to install. This product is available in many styles, but it typically is made of metal bars that have foam or rubber pads in specific areas.

Wall Mounted

Another design that you might wish to consider when you're shopping for a pull-up bar for your home is a wall-mounted unit. As its name suggests, this is a device that attaches to a wall in your home and has a bar that sticks out for you to grab. If you're looking for a product that you don't need to set up each time you want to use it, a wall-mounted bar may be preferable to one that goes over your doorframe. Given the weight that this bar must support, you'll need to install it into wall studs—simply attaching it to the drywall won't be sufficient to use this bar safely.

Power Tower

If you're looking for a piece of equipment that allows you to perform more than just pull-ups, a power tower may be something to explore. This free-standing device has a design that allows you to target different parts of your body through a long list of exercises. A power tower is a common sight at well-furnished home gyms, but its relatively large footprint means that you need a workout space that is on the larger side. Evaluate each of these pull-up bar options to decide which product will be best for your home.
