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3 Ways To Make Sure Your Child Gets Enough Exercise At Day Care

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Despite rising childhood obesity rates in the United States, many children spend the majority of their time at daycare engaged in sedentary activities. Emphasis on academics, parental and caregiver fear of injury, and insufficient funds for proper play equipment results in most preschool children being active just 2% to 3% of their day. While this is a concerning statistic, there are many things you can do as a parent to make sure your child has the opportunity to be active during the day. 

Choose A Day Care That Values Exercise and Play 

Before enrolling your child in daycare, make sure the facility where you are enrolling them emphasizes free play and group exercise. There are several ways you can tell if movement is a priority for a center. If they have specific movement programs, such as aerobic time or yoga, and if the caregivers discuss movement and play with you, these are good signs. Another good sign is that there is enough room to play. Check that the daycare has a large play yard as well as indoor space for days when weather does not permit outdoor play. 

Let Your Child's Teacher Know You Want Them Active 

Many caregivers are concerned that parents will be upset if their child gets dirty or suffers a minor injury on playground equipment, so the trend is to restrict play even before parents ask the caregiver to do so. If you let your child's teacher know that you encourage free play and exercise, your child's teacher will be able to confidently encourage your child to play throughout the day. 

Dress Your Child For Play 

Children's fashion becomes more formal and adult every year. While fancy dresses or expensive jeans may be adorable, they are not conducive to play. Send your child to day care in clothes that are easy to move in, such as sweat pants or leggings. Also, be sure to send one or two changes of clothes in case your child gets dirty while playing. Additionally, you will want to ask if your child needs a change of clothes for group exercise. Although this is rare, some daycares prefer the children to have a set of play clothes for outdoor activities. 

Instilling a love of movement and exercise at an early age is an important part of a healthy life. By promoting play at your child's daycare, you are ensuring they grow up healthy and strong. 
