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Staying Motivated To Exercise: Here's How

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You might be absolutely sure that you need to lose weight, but without eating properly and exercising, you're not likely to see the results you're hoping for. Exercise can be a particularly hard thing to stick with; here's how you might make it easier and feel better about doing it.

Smart Small

In your eagerness to drop weight, you may plan strenuous workouts that you're not sure if you can continue. After your first workouts, you might not want to hit the gym again. For that reason, it's better to start small. Maybe you aren't ready for that hour-long spin class; a brisk walk in your own neighborhood each night can be a relaxing start. When you're ready to push your body a little more, then you can.

Go with Friends

Sometimes it's not enough to visit a fitness center by yourself. You may not be able to keep your motivation levels up to last long; that's where your friends come in. Others who are interested in getting healthier can be great support when you need to make it through your aerobics class or lifting session. Make a night of it; perhaps you go to the gym for a while and then head out to a movie, for instance.

Steer Clear of Naysayers

There will always be a person, or a few people, who don't support what you're trying to do. If relatives think you're fine at your current weight, or try to get you to change your gym plans to hang out with them or run an errand for them, it's okay to refuse. Stick to your own commitments, and avoid people who don't believe in what you're doing.

Exercise in the Morning

After working, you may just want to sit with some ice cream in front of the television. It will be hard enough to resist the ice cream, but you may not make it to a fitness center after work. Working out in the mornings could be better; you'll likely not have dealt with anything stressful yet, and you can get the workout out of the way and get on with other things.

Remember Your Goals

Some days you just won't want to do any exercising at all. To encourage yourself on those days, remember why you're doing all of this hard work. Do you want to look more attractive to your spouse? Do you want the energy to play with the kids? Remembering your goals and reasons for working out will help get you up and into the gym.

Staying motivated has a lot to do with how well your workouts go. Keep visiting your local fitness center and soon your body will be better than ever.
